We are a group of Assemblies of God West London churches in the Hounslow, Isleworth, Southall, Feltham, and Bedfont areas that are believing for a real move of God as we embark into 2025.

If you are an attender of one of these churches, or a fellow believer in the local area, then we would love you to join with us as we pray for communities, outreach, our nation, our churches, one another and the world at large.

In Acts 4, we read the account of when Peter and John were questioned by the Sanhedrin because of the way that people were responding to the message of the gospel, and in light of the healing of the lame beggar in Acts 3. The Sanhedrin wanted to discourage the spread of the Gospel message (Acts 4:16-17). Although Peter and John refused to obey the Sanhedrin and eventually released (Acts 4:21-22) and them knowing fully that God was with them in their ministry, they still recognised the importance of bringing the account to the believers so that they could pray, Acts 4:23-30. After they prayed we read these words:

Acts 4:31 After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly.

We desire to see the word of God ministered boldly through the body of Christ, and we see the need to be filled afresh with the Holy Spirit. What an opportunity we have to seek the Lord together, and pray for believers to be strengthened and souls to be saved.

Let us know your coming by booking in below, we hope that you can join us.